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Rosal awards 20 barangays for best practice in solid waste management

Legazpi City Mayor Noel E. Rosal with the local government commended 20 villages in Legazpi for having the best practices in garbage collection during the first half of 2016.

“Collection of garbage is the foremost item in the agenda of the city administration as a way of sustaining a healthy community and maintaining its image as an environment-friendly locality in the Bicol Region,” he said.

The solid waste management awardees were categorized into the large barangay and small barangay. Villages of Bigaa, Gogon, Puro, Bagumbayan, Arimbay, Bogtong, Bitano, Cruzada, Oro Site and Cabangan West were of the large category. Recipients in the small barangay category were the villages of Cabangan East, Sabang, Maoyod, Dap-dap, Tamaoyan, Sagpon, Binanuahan West, EM’s Barrio South, Bano and Cabugao.

Awardees were in the line of the city ordinance on solid waste disposal that was provided for the mandatory segregation of biodegradable wastes from the non-recyclable materials. It will be of 30 percent of all the garbage produced by households, as well as commercial and other business establishments operating in the City of Legazpi that would be deposited at the sanitary landfill located in Barangay Banquerohan at the upper portion of the southern areas of the city. It provided two concrete cells whereas the non-recyclable materials and special waste were deposited and covered with soil. The remaining garbage is being process to become organic fertilizers.

Aside from encouraging the proper collection of garbage, Rosal said the burning of waste materials is also forbidden. With this, it would be expected to have lesser contamination of the rivers and fewer cases of risky environmental issues to the people’s health in the community.

City Environment and Natural Resources Officer (CENRO), Salve Corral, added that the villages were monitored as to their initiatives in recycling, composting and plastic recovery with their documentation of their management activities.

Mayor Rosal would be expecting for more improvements on waste management on the coming months for the maintenance of the City of Legazpi, having been recognized for their effective implementation of the city ordinance on solid waste management in accordance with Republic Act 9003, also known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000.

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